Friday, May 25, 2018

May 25, 2018 - Week 36

Hello Dale Street!

It is amazing to think that there are only 15 school days remaining in the year.  During this time of year in school there are many fun, but somewhat less structured activities such as field trips, assemblies, and other events.  Additionally, our students can see summer vacation in the not to distant future. With this combination, staff will be appealing to their character and highlighting Dale Street's Core Values (Respect, Compassion, Collaboration, and Continuous Growth).  Truthfully, as adults, even when we are supervising, we cannot be everywhere, and we have to rely on the good character of our students in moments when they are at recess, on the bus, in the hallways, or even after school.  Please join us in setting these high expectations for high character in our students every day, but especially these last few weeks of school.

Today our school had a Memorial Day assembly. The students did a remarkable job.  We heard beautiful songs from the Grade 5 Band, Dale Street's Big Sing Choir, and Ms. Burnham's class.  Grade 5 students Vivienne Ladd (5Sager) and Jack Daley (5Foley/Connerton) recited the Gettysburg Address, and Greta Krauss (5Condon) and Shane Unger (5Burnham) played Taps.  

It was a beautiful morning!

It was an exciting week in Mrs. Lowerre's fifth grade class - a butterfly emerged from its chrysalis during the day on Wednesday!  What a fantastic opportunity for students to be able to watch this amazing process!  

Congratulations to this week's Positive Referrals!  Thank you for making Dale Street such a great place! 

Arriving in Style

Congratulations to Daniel and Gavin who arrived in style at school today.  This was a Winter Carnival auction prize.  Thanks Officer Manganello for helping out!  
It was an exciting week for our music students.  Congratulations to our 4th and 5th grade Orchestra, our 4th and 5th grade Band, and 4th and 5th grade Chorus for their wonderful concerts this week week.  These students performed brilliantly!  Special thanks to our fantastic music instructors, Mrs. Brenna Evans, Mrs. Eithne Stover, Mr. Ruggiero, Mr. Dexter, Mr. Murphy, and Mrs. Oxholm for being amazing leaders!

One Community, One Theme!

Join the Medfield Public Schools & the Medfield Public Library as we celebrate the theme of LOVE to kick off the 2018-19 school year. We are thrilled to announce the K-12 joint initiative by sharing the book Love by Matt de la Peña and look forward to a visit by this Newbery award winning author in March, 2019. There will be an assembly for K-5 in the next few weeks to explain the program and the summer challenge. If you wish to purchase a copy of the book Love, Jim James of Park Street Books will donate a percentage of the sale back to the schools. Please complete the order form and return to school no later than 

June 1, 2018.

¿Dónde está?   This week Mrs. DellaMonica's Grade 4 World Language students used prepositions -  with the help of some furry friends. 

Please join us as we celebrate our final spirit day of the 2017-2018 school year.  From Monday, May 21st to Friday, June 1st, the Dale Street School will be collecting items to donate to the Medfield Food Cupboard.  Items we will be collecting are:

Juice-Large and boxes
Kid Friendly Cereal
Canned Fruit

There will be a collection bin in each classroom.  We hope you can contribute by donating to the Medfield Food Cupboard and join us in helping others.

In Art this week, Mrs. Delaney took students outside to do some observational drawings of the local architecture.  What awesome students!  

Check out the PTO update, which has information about ordering 2018-2019 school supply kits and more!

Blake Summer Reading 

Mr. Haycock presented the Blake summer reading info to 5th grade teachers this week. Fifth grade teachers presented the information to their classes to make sure the students understand the summer reading requirements. Yellow order forms were sent home this week and are due back by June 1st. Here are the links for all information: summer reading organizer

Dale Street School was recognized at MCPE's Annual Meeting last night.  Dale Street received the Thomas Reis Award for our innovative Virtual Reality Google Expedition grant.  We were honored to have been recognized by MCPE. 

Summer Skills Book
Many students have found it beneficial to work on strengthening math and/or language arts skills over the summer months.  For many years we have used a series of workbooks published by a company called Summer Skills.  These books have been successful in helping students practice and sharpen their skills.  Please be aware that some questions contained in the workbooks may cover topics that have been introduced but not yet mastered.  As a school, we feel that summer work is beneficial, as studies show that much of what is learned during the school year is lost over the summer months; however, this book is entirely OPTIONAL.  

Please click here for more information.​

Ms. Burnham's class held an awesome Memorial Day program on Wednesday.  Bravo young learners for a wonderful presentation!  

A very big thank you to Ray Scharlacken (husband of former Dale Street librarian, Darla) for visiting Dale Street to present a very generous donation to be used by Mrs. Cowell in our LMC.  Ray also donated a read-aloud book to be added to our library.  Ray, we are touched by your generosity and kindness. 

5/28 - No School, Memorial Day
5/30 - Incoming Grade 4 PIN, 6:30
6/7 - Field Day (Gr 4: 9-11:15am, Gr 5: 12-2:15pm), Rain Date 6/8, Gr 5 Egg Drop (am)
6/14 - Grade 5 Celebration 
6/15 - Transition Day - details to follow
6/18 - Last Day of School, 11:40 dismissal

Thank you for taking the time to read this week's blog.

Best wishes for a great Memorial Day weekend!


Respect • Compassion • Collaboration • Continuous Growth

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