Friday, September 20, 2024

Spetember 20, 2024 - Week 4

Hello Dale Street Community!

I am thrilled to share that we've had an amazing week filled with collaboration, engaging activities, and fun at #beproudbedale! Our #rockstar students and staff have made the transition into this school year with incredible enthusiasm. Please take a moment to enjoy some highlights from this week and stay informed about some upcoming dates and events.

Last night, Dale Street hosted an Open House for students and their families. It was a fantastic evening that highlighted the importance of our family-school partnership. It was wonderful to have had such a great turnout. Thank you to everyone who attended to learn more about your child’s classroom and the Dale Street School. Special thanks to Food Services for providing the yummy treats and thank you to our School Committee, SEPAC, PTO, MMA, and MCPE representatives who came to greet our families and share information. Be on the lookout for more information regarding the curriculum your child will be engaged with this year! 

Special thanks to our AMAZING PTO for providing these delicious breakfast treats this week! 

Guess What? Students taped the first episodes of our student-led Daily Dale this week. Our students are AMAZING! New this year - The Daily Dale newscasts can be viewed from our webpage. To get to the Daily Dale newscasts click the MENU button at the top right of the home screen - then click Daily Dale (bottom right). This will bring you to a drive that houses all of the newscasts.   

On Tuesday, Dale Street participated in a bus evacuation.  All students (regardless of whether they ride the bus to and from school) participated in this important exercise.  Special thanks to our students, staff, bus drivers, and Detective Plant for a successful drill.  

You should have received an email regarding intramurals this week. Intramural sign-ups/registration will begin on September 23rd. Classes are slated to start the week of September 30th.  All Intramural information can be found on the Dale Street Website in the Menu section under Activities.  


Congratulations to this week's Positive Referral! 

For the second year and based on overwhelmingly positive feedback, Medfield SEPAC will offer Parent Connection Groups. A SEPAC parent volunteer will coordinate each, focusing on a different diagnosis. These informal groups will connect parents and caregivers of children of all ages with the specific diagnosis to share experiences and resources.

Our Parent Connection Groups focusing on ADHD and Autism Spectrum (ASD) met jointly on September 18 and will continue to meet regularly throughout the year.
Our Parent Connection Groups, focusing on Down Syndrome, is planning to hold its first meeting in October and we are looking to schedule meetings for groups with the following diagnoses: Anxiety, Depression & Mental Health; Intellectual & Developmental Disability; Allergy; and Dyslexia + Language-based Learning Disabilities. If you want to join any of these groups, please email to connect with our parent volunteers for more information.

If you haven't taken our website survey yet, there is no time like the present. Access the survey directly here:
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter now by sending an email to and don't forget to follow us on IG (@medfieldsepac) or FB for updates!

This week, Ms. Burnham's fifth graders made meaningful text-to-text connections using the books Thank You, Mr. Falker and Mrs. Spitzer's Garden. Wonderful discussions! 

Positive Sign Thursday! 


We are very excited to announce that again this year all 4th and 5th-grade students will have the opportunity to complete biweekly math challenges. Math challenges will be available to print at home from the website linked below.

Students will be free to solve as many problems as they can and will have about a week to turn in their work. We hope that all students and families find these problems to be a challenging and fun activity.

More information, including a calendar of important dates and a link to download and print the challenges and solutions, is available here. Any questions regarding the math challenge program can be directed to Dale Street math specialist, Ms. Perachi.

 The first Challenge is due on 9/25

Click here to view this month's lunch menu.

On Tuesday, Mrs. Buff's class created sundials to learn how to use shadows to tell time.

Red, orange, yellow, green..... the 3rd Annual Medfield K-5 Rainbow Run is October 2nd @ Dale 

All students will run/walk throughout the school day on a rainbow-filled track. Music will be rocking, games will be played, fun will be had by all. The rainbow gear is ready to go and we are excited for a fun-filled day. Head to this link to register your student for free and learn about the activities and prizes and more importantly how your continued support makes a difference in our schools.

Todo sobre mí…This week in World Language with Señora LeVangie Grade 5 students shared their 'All About Me' slides. ¡Buen trabajo! 

Click here for the link to Community Postings
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Thank you so much for your continued support. 


Inclusivity * Respect * Responsibility * Continuous Growth

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