Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15, 2017 - Week 16

Dear Dale Street Community,

Another great week here at #beproudbedale!  Please take a minute to scroll through to check out some of the AMAZING things that occurred.

On Wednesday the MSBA (Massachusetts School Building Authority) board voted to approve a new Dale Street School project!  Special thanks to the MSBA and Dr. Marsden and Mr. LaFrancesca for their efforts.  Stay tuned..... 

On Tuesday evening,  Ms. Condon, Mrs. Foley and I attended the MCPE Grant review meeting.  On behalf of Dale Street, we submitted a grant to secure a Google Expedition kit.  We felt that our grant, "Using Future-Ready Tech to Bring Lessons to Life with Immersive, Virtual Journeys" was innovative, academically enriching and multi-disciplinary.  I am thrilled to report that the MCPE agreed and APPROVED this grant! We are so grateful.  Since my arrival at Dale Street, the MCPE's generosity and kindness have been extraordinary!  We feel truly blessed to have such a great partnership with the MCPE.  On behalf of all of us here at Dale Street, THANK YOU MCPE! 

Classes continued to participate in Hour of Code this week.  More amazing investigating, creativity and innovations.  Here are some snapshots....

On Thursday, Mrs. Flynn's fourth grade students learned more about interpreting remainders. Students collaborated and created their own story problems.  Awesome job!   

There are just two short weeks remaining until we bid farewell to 2017. We hope you might consider a donation to the MCPE as you plan your year-end gifting. We have raised over $52,000 towards our 30th year fundraising goal and are so appreciative of all the generosity this community has already shown. Can you help us get to $75,000??? You can donate via our website or using tax ID 04-2978701. Thank you!

Today in Mrs. Lowerre's fifth grade class students participated in a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) activity.  Students continued their research on the planets and collaborated to build an alien that would inhabit that specific planet.  So cool!  

Positive Referral!!!
These students received Positive Referrals this week for being respectful, helpful, compassionate and positive school citizens.  Great work!

The Dale Street Flea Market will take place on Tuesday, 12/19 during lunch times.  Check out this student-created video (Thanks Mrs. Flynn's class and Mr. Douglas' class) announcing and highlighting this year's event!  

Has your child lost something?  It may be in the Dale Street Lost & Found!  The Lost & Found has been temporarily moved to the office lobby for easy access.  Please have your child look (or feel free to come in yourself) to see if any of the many, many items belong to your child.  All unclaimed items will be donated to charity on 12/22.

Thanks to Sophia in Ms. MacDonald's class for reading today's book recommendation.  Sophia recommended About Average by Andrew Clements for "people who think they do not have a voice" because "the main character teaches you that you are pretty when you are yourself."  Sophia rated this book 5 stars!  Thanks Sophia!

Check out all the happenings in the PTO update!

What a way to start a week!  On Monday, our wonderful PTO and fantastic parent volunteers treated Dale Street staff to a wonderful holiday luncheon.  Special thanks to the PTO and all of the volunteers!  It was absolutely delicious and we can't thank you enough for your generosity.

Each week, staff members at #beproudbedale spend time collaborating at Common Planning Time to develop common formative assessments, analyze current levels of achievement, set achievement goals, share strategies and create lessons. This week Grade 4 teachers examined the best ways to instruct students in our new FOSS science program. It was great to see staff modeling two of Dale Street's Core Values: Collaboration & Continuous Growth!

     The school environment can often be a source for the spread of viral and bacterial illnesses. The following guidelines will help you determine when to keep your child home.

FEVER: A Temperature of 100 degrees F or higher is an indication that your child could be contagious. Giving a child Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) will bring the temperature down and make them more comfortable, but will not prevent them from passing their illness on to others.  Your child may return to school when he/she has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.

SEVERE SORE THROAT/COUGH: Especially when accompanied by swollen glands in the neck, headache or fever.   

VOMITING: Vomiting within the past 24 hours. Your child may return to school after resuming a normal diet.

DIARRHEA: If your child has had one or more watery stools in the past 12 hours, especially if your child acts or looks ill.

EYE DRAINAGE: Eyes are sometimes swollen and irritated by allergens or viruses. Because of the extremely contagious nature of Bacterial Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) in young children, please consult with your healthcare provider before sending your child to school with thick mucus or pus draining from the eye, or if the eye is red, puffy, extremely itchy or painful. If diagnosed with Bacterial Conjunctivitis, students may return to school after they have begun treatment.

RASHES: A rash on the trunk of the body, especially with fever and/or severe itching. If your child has been diagnosed with a “non-contagious rash”, they may return when they are comfortable enough to focus on school.

HEAD LICE: Please notify the nurse if you suspect that your child has head lice. If your child has been treated for head lice, please have them check in with the nurse before returning to class.

COMMUNICABLE DISEASES:  If your child was treated with antibiotics for an illness, he/she may return to school after 24 hours of treatment.  Please notify the nurse of any illness that may have been contagious.

*A note from a student’s health care provider is required whenever a student has had a significant illness (Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Flu, Mononucleosis, Whooping Cough etc.), surgery or injury (fracture, concussion or sprain), where restrictions from physical education/recess/sports are warranted or if they have missed more than 5 days of school.

Please contact the nurse’s office with any questions.

Kathy Thompson, BSN, MSN, RN
    Dale Street Nurse

Thank you to all of the Dale Street students and their families for creating holiday cards for the residents of the Thomas Upham House, the patients at Children's Hospital and members of our military.  What an extraordinary display of #compassion!   

Winter is here!  Please make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately for the cold weather.  Students will have recess OUTSIDE if the 'feels like' temperature is 20 or above.  Hats, gloves and coats are strongly encouraged. 

Only those children wearing a coat, snow pants & boots, 
 may go out onto the field to play in the snow. Without these items, children may go out but stay on the hardtop. Thank you for your support!

Report Cards went home with your student(s) on Wednesday, December 13th. 
If you haven’t done so already please remember to keep the report card, 
but sign and return the manila envelope to Dale Street. Thank you!

Thank you for taking time to check out this week's blog and warmest wishes for a wonderful weekend!


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