Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31, 2024 - Week 38

Greetings Dale Street! 

We hope this message finds you well. It has been an incredible week here at Dale Street, filled with various exciting activities that engaged our students both within and beyond our school walls. Our students' and staff's enthusiasm and dedication continue to impress us as we approach the end of the school year. Please take a few moments to view some of the highlights from this past week. Seeing our students thriving and participating in such enriching experiences has been wonderful. Also, please see below for key dates and times as we prepare to close out the school year.  

On Thursday students and staff were treated to shaved ice. Huge thank you to our amazing PTO for funding this great opportunity! 

Positive Sign Thursday!


On Wednesday, Grade 5 students came together to meet Blake Middle School Principal, Mr. Vaughn, and Assistant Principal, Mrs. Campbell. Students heard important and fun information about the Middle School. 

Today, we welcomed the Bionic Program to Dale Street thanks to a grant that Stephen Marks, Wellness Department Head, received. Bionic brought a team of educators, including two elite adaptive athletes and one person with a physical disability to break down barriers regarding disabilities and allowed students to learn, ask questions, and play. Students attended an assembly in the morning and following the assembly, Bionic staff joined PE/Wellness classes for the day.  

This week the Grade 4 and Grade 5 bands held their final ensemble.  It is amazing how much they have grown this year!  I am so proud of them and can't wait to hear them perform next week at their concerts. 

Please save the date of Tuesday, June 11th at 9:30 a.m. for Dale Street's Grade 5 Celebration. This year, the Grade 5 Celebration will take place on the basketball court outdoors and we are hoping for dry and nice weather. Grade 5 families are welcome and we are asking that all guests bring a lawn chair for seating in an area off the pavement. If there is inclement weather on this day, the celebration will be held in the gymnasium. If this is the case, we will only be able to welcome 2 guests per family for the celebration.    

Celebration Invite  

This week, Grade 4 students went on a field trip to the Patriots Hall of Fame.  Students participated in a math-focused program in which they were able to manage an NFL franchise.  Students and staff had a blast! 

As in past years, the PTO is partnering with 1st Day School Supplies to get all your school supplies for your student for next school year. All name brand supplies will be packaged individually for your student. Items will be shipped to the school and ready for your child on their first day. A portion of the proceeds supports PTO programs throughout the year. Don’t delay - sale ends July 1st!

Dale Street Field Day is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th (Rain Day, Wednesday, June 5th). Mrs. Nawrocki and Mrs. Laughna are planning an exciting day of activities for our 4th and 5th graders. Grade 4 will participate in Field Day during the morning (9:00 - 11:15) and Grade 5 will participate in the afternoon (12:00 - 2:15). Field Day will take place on the field between the Dale Street and Memorial Schools. Classes will have the opportunity to rotate through nine stations. Classes will rotate with their classroom. Activities will take place on the field, on the blacktop, and in the gymnasium. 

We have found it to be helpful to

**have students wear comfortable clothes and sneakers on this day 

**apply sunscreen before coming to school.  Please provide more sunscreen for re-application. 

**send children with a hat and extra water on this day. 

Classes will be eating bagged lunches. Students may bring their own bagged lunch or purchase a bagged lunch from the cafeteria. Note: There will be no other lunch options on this day.

Here is a sign-up sheet for Field Day. We are looking for volunteers to help supervise students' lunch on Tuesday, June 4th from 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The Lunch Chaperone sign-up is about halfway down on this sign-up form.  Thank you!  

Congratulations to our Dale Street Green Team. This intramural group was recently recognized for their contributions to a cleaner, healthier environment. The group includesTeddy, Graham, Ellie, Allison, Aaron, Kat, Nina, and Christina. Missing from the picture: Jack and Ila. Special thanks to Ms. Sager for facilitating this awesome intramural.  

Transition Day for current Grade 4 & Grade 5 students will be held on Wednesday, June 12th. Grade 5 students will ride the bus over to Blake Middle School in the morning where they meet their cluster teachers and learn a little more about next year before returning to Dale Street for the remainder of the school day. Grade 4 students will visit their new fifth-grade teacher and classmates and learn a little about why Grade 5 is so great before returning to their Grade 4 classrooms for the remainder of their day. A welcome email from your child’s new teacher will be shared with families on Wednesday afternoon.  

Elementary Math Website
Although summer is an essential time for students to relax and unwind, it is also a fantastic time for them to process and apply what they have learned so they can make mathematical connections. Check out our new elementary math website where you can find resources and information to support your mathematician all summer long!

On Thursday, the Medfield High School Class of 2024 participated in a Senior Walk around Dale Street.  It was so great to have #beproudbedale alumni walking the halls.  On behalf of the students and staff at Dale Street, best of luck in all of your future endeavors. 

Some of our Grade 5 had an amazing field trip this week to the Boston Duck Tour! The classes who did not attend this week will attend on Monday. The beautiful weather made it even more enjoyable as the students explored the city's landmarks on land and water. We want to extend a special thank you to our dedicated chaperones. It was a memorable experience that left the students with big smiles and new knowledge.

Thank you to our Friday DJ's who rocked the lunchroom today!

Thank you to our 23/24 PTO board members Nicole Saulnier, Nesse McCabe, Kristen Storer, Nicola Tessier, and Nicole Crocker for all of their hard work this year. We are so incredibly grateful for all that you have done to support our students and staff. We would also like to thank the many volunteers who have supported fundraisers, programs, and classrooms throughout the year.

We would also like to thank our 23/24 parent and community Site Council members (Emily Hutton, Nia Jacobs, Tom Ramlow, Lynne Nicholas, Kristin Martin, Margot Hayes, Kristen LeVangie, and Kelsey McKenzie for all of their work and contributions throughout the year.

We would also like to thank all of our chaperones who assisted with the Grade 4 and 5 field trips this year. We couldn’t do it without you!

Upcoming SEPAC Events & Happenings

We recently held our annual review meeting and elections for our '24-'25 board, and it has been a very good year. We have a wonderful group of parents on our board and are seeking two more for the following roles:

Preschool representative (Memorial)

Communications Chair 

Join us! No special education background or experience is required! Per our bylaws, board positions must be held by a parent/guardian of a student whose education is the partial or entire responsibility of the Medfield Public Schools and who has documented special needs, whether or not that student is currently on an IEP or section 504 plan. Please get involved. We can't do it without you.

6/6 School Committee Meeting, presentation of SEPAC annual review & announce Jim James Inclusion Award Recipients. Join us in the School committee meeting audience (MHS Library) or online!

6/9 PRIDE Celebration @Bellforge noon to 5 pm. Come visit our table at this event celebrating inclusivity. We are looking for SEPAC members to take shifts at our booth. Please email us and let us know your availability to help! General information about this event can be found on the Bellforge site, including the RSVP for the event. 

6/11 End-of-year Celebration for families. End-of-year Celebration for families. Pack a dinner with your family and head up to Bellforge to join us for an evening of socializing and celebrating the end of the school year. There will be lawn games and picnic tables, and plenty of space to spread out on the lawn. SEPAC will provide popsicles. 

When: June 11th, starting at 5pm

Where: Bellforge. 45 Hospital Rd. Check out this getting to Bellforge guide:

Help us plan by RSVPing: 

Our Parent Connection Groups focused on ADHD, ASD (needs a coordinator), Dyslexia, and LBLD are working on their June meeting dates, and information will be shared soon. The PCG focused on Down Syndrome will break for the summer and reconvene in August. 

We are looking at adding the following parent connection groups: Anxiety & Depression, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, and Allergy (we need a coordinator). Please email with questions or to join a group. We are here for you and look forward to connecting with you!

Please make sure all Dale Street Library books are returned to school ASAP.  Thank you for your cooperation in making sure our library is ready for next year's students.

Student Transfers

Any students transferring to another school district or attending a private school, please make sure to contact the office before the end of the year. 

Click here for the link to Community Postings

Follow us on Facebook - K-5 Medfield Elementary Schools

Follow us on Twitter @s_grenham

That’s all for now.  As always, reach out with any questions. Thank you for your partnership.



Inclusivity * Respect * Responsibility * Continuous Growth

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