Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10, 2024 - Week 35

  Hello Dale Street Families!

We have just about reached the midpoint of May, and it's amazing to see how time flies! This past week marked Teacher Appreciation Week, an opportunity to express gratitude towards the phenomenal staff members we are fortunate to have here at Dale Street. I am incredibly proud and honored to collaborate daily with such compassionate, intelligent, and dedicated individuals. Their unwavering commitment to our students never fails to impress me. 

This week was another week with a lot of awesome activities at #beproudbedale.  Take a minute to check out some of the scenes and be sure to check out some of the upcoming dates at the bottom of the blog. 

A HUGE thank you to our phenomenal PTO for their generosity this week during Staff Appreciation Week.  From snacks to treats, to an incredible lunch today - the week was amazing! 
This week students in Mrs. Gutierrez's fourth-grade classroom used time during their ELA block this week to learn more about fractured fairy tales. Students really enjoyed using the Reader’s Theater model.  

This month, Dale Street School is recognizing Mental Health Awareness by adding important information to each Wednesday Daily Dale. Reminders, quotes, and strategies are all being included.  

Go Green Day
On Wednesday, May 15th, students and staff (district-wide) are invited to “Go Green” and wear green colored clothing in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month and the importance of taking care of your well-being/mental health.

Congratulations to today's lucky plate winners! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ“š They're in for a literary treat with their prize: a token to our PTO-funded book vending machine! Happy reading! ๐Ÿ“–✨

Mark your calendars for this Friday, May 10 at 9am! The Medfield Treasured Experiences Auction is back! Now is your chance to bid on amazing Medfield experiences that are sure to make an impact. Give your child the gift of a special memory while supporting our schools. Whether it is an afternoon with a teacher, special seating for an event, or a season’s tuition for a youth sports team - it will be remembered. All proceeds go to the K-8 PTO. Bidding starts Friday, May 10 at 9am and closes Monday, May 13 at 9pm. 

This week the Grade 4 band and orchestra students had the opportunity to perform for each other ๐ŸŽถ What a fun way to share the music they have been working hard on this year.  So cool! 

Field day times for the 2023-2024 school year have been determined. Please see the schedule below for June 4th (rain date June 5th). Activities will be held outside on the field between Dale and Memorial with additional details being shared closer to the event. We hope you can join us!

Grade 4 - 9:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Grade 5 - 12:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

5th grade students in Seรฑora Spittel's Spanish classes participated in a gallery walk and presented interactive books they wrote where one character searches for another using vocabulary from our unit about asking and telling directions!

Please see the links below to sign your child up for the 5th Grade Night (May 17th). We also need a lot of volunteers so we'd appreciate any help! The sign-up genius for the volunteers is located on the permission slip.

Thursday, May 23rd - FLOWER POWER DAY
In an effort to promote random acts of kindness, Dale Street (in conjunction with Wheelock and Memorial) will have a Flower Power Day. On Thursday, May 23, 2024, all students are asked to bring in a flower of their choice. This can be a flower from a garden or a store-bought flower. Each classroom will be filling vases with the flowers brought in to create a beautiful bouquet. We will then distribute the flowers to members of our Dale Street Community. Students and staff are encouraged to wear floral prints and/or bright colors. Participation is optional. Thank you for supporting this “kind” event!

Positive Sign Thursday!

Please save the date of Tuesday, June 11th at 9:30 a.m. for Dale Street's Grade 5 Celebration.  This year, the Grade 5 Celebration will take place on the basketball court outdoors and we are hoping for dry and nice weather.  Grade 5 families are welcome and we are asking that all guests bring a lawn chair for seating in an area off the pavement.  If there is inclement weather on this day, the celebration will be held in the gymnasium.  If this is the case, we will only be able to welcome 2 guests per family for the celebration.   

Ms. Isaacson's fourth-grade students began their math block using pattern blocks to explore polygons. It was impressive to see how many different shapes students created by combining various shapes! 

Every school district is required to have a SEPAC, but how effective the SEPAC is is up to the parents in that district. The Medfield SEPAC Board needs YOU! Our annual elections are coming up, and we need parents & caregivers with children in the Medfield School district who have an IEP or 504 to take on roles. If you were looking for a sign to get involved, this is it! Three members are rolling off the board, and we need people to join us! Please contact for more information.   

SEPAC Upcoming Events: Sometimes, there's a perception that a child's disability/diagnosis needs to present in a certain way or severity to join SEPAC, but SEPAC is for EVERYONE. So please mark your calendars for our spring Workshops & Parent Connection Groups:        

5/14 ADHD Parent Connection Group, 7 pm, Medfield Public Safety Building  

5/16  Down Syndrome Parent Connection Group, 11:30 am Medfield Public Library 

5/21 High School Transition Planning w/ Meredith Becker and Stephanie Worthley - 7 pm Blake Middle School Library RSVP to or by completing the RSVP form: Please email with questions or to join a group. If you want to connect with a parent with experience with a diagnosis not covered by our current parent connection groups, don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll work to find someone to connect with.  

5/28 Selfcare for Summer Join us for an evening dedicated to self-care and wellness at the Medfield SEPAC & Medfield Outreach Sponsored Self Care for Summer Night! Discover local wellness offerings, gain insights from Medfield Outreach's presentation on self-care, and experience a rejuvenating breathwork session led by trauma-informed breathwork facilitator Hannah Oxley. If you know a local wellness provide who'd like to join us, please email us! 

6/11 End-of-year Celebration for families. More information to come

We are looking at adding the following parent connection groups: Anxiety & Depression, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, Allergy (need a coordinator). Please email us if you are interested in joining one of these three groups! 

Click here for the link to Community Postings

Follow us on Facebook - K-5 Medfield Elementary Schools

Follow us on Twitter @s_grenham

On behalf of all of the employees at Dale Street, I would like to wish all of the mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures a Happy Mother's Day!  

That’s all for now.  As always, reach out with any questions. Thank you for your partnership.



Inclusivity * Respect * Responsibility * Continuous Growth

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