Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24, 2024 - Week 37

Hello Dale Street! 

We had a wonderful week at #BeProudBeDale with a lot of learning and activities taking place! Please take a few minutes to look through a recap of the week and make sure to stay updated on our upcoming events. 

This morning our school held a beautiful Memorial Day assembly. The students did a remarkable job. The Pledge of Allegiance was great (thanks, Keegen) and the Dale Street Chamber Orchestra played spectacularly!  Grade 5 students Ivy and Mary recited the Gettysburg Address, Katy and Mrs. Tumbleson played America the Beautiful, and Nabil and Allison played Taps on the trumpet. It was a great morning!

Congratulations to this week's Positive Referral! 

On Monday, Ms. Sager and members of Dale Street's Green Team intramural took a field trip to Medfield TV to film a public service announcement informing viewers of various recycling tips.  These tips will start airing on Medfield TV in July.  What a great experience! 

Last Friday, Grade 5 students were treated to an amazing Kids' Night Out. Special thanks to our incredible PTO and to all of the family volunteers who made it such a great night!  Check out these photos...

Our 2nd annual Flower Power Day was a huge success! Thank you to all who contributed! As a result of your kindness, close to 20 arrangements were created allowing each of our exceptionally hard-working teaching assistants and behavioral technicians to take home a small token of our appreciation. A special thanks to the Dale Street Student Council for suggesting that these great individuals receive a random act of kindness! 

On Wednesday night, Dale Street opened its doors to incoming Grade 4 families.  This is always a special and exciting night. What made the night even more special was having current Dale Street Rockstars in attendance to share their experiences with incoming families. Families loved the first-hand accounts of their experiences.  Thank you to all the students who came to help out and to the Dale Street staff who stayed late into the night to help out.  

Congratulations to our Dale Street and Blake Middle School chorus students who were selected to participate in the Eastern District Youth Treble Chorus Festival last Saturday at Framingham High School. Thank you to Dale Street Chorus teacher Mrs Tremblay for cultivating their enthusiasm!

With the warm weather ahead to close out the school year, please send students to school with a refillable water bottle with their name on it so that they can stay hydrated throughout the day. We have a large number of unclaimed reusable water bottles in our lost and found that may belong to your child - please tell them to stop by and look if you are missing one. Putting your child's name on it will ensure that it is returned if found. Students may refill their bottles using one of our two bottle-filling stations. We hope to be outdoors as much as possible for the remainder of the year so students may wish to have a hat and sunscreen moving forward as well. 

Our Grade 4 students had a wonderful day at the Museum of Science on Monday and Tuesday. These days were spent exploring exhibits and seeing the IMAX movie 'Deep Sky.'  Be sure to ask your 4th grader all about it!

Please save the date of Tuesday, June 11th at 9:30 a.m. for Dale Street's Grade 5 Celebration. This year, the Grade 5 Celebration will take place on the basketball court outdoors and we are hoping for dry and nice weather. Grade 5 families are welcome and we are asking that all guests bring a lawn chair for seating in an area off the pavement. If there is inclement weather on this day, the celebration will be held in the gymnasium. If this is the case, we will only be able to welcome 2 guests per family for the celebration.    

Celebration Invite  

As in past years, the PTO is partnering with 1st Day School Supplies to get all your school supplies for your student for next school year. All name brand supplies will be packaged individually for your student. Items will be shipped to the school and ready for your child on their first day. A portion of the proceeds supports PTO programs throughout the year. Don’t delay - sale ends July 1st!

This year will be Medfield's 31st All Night Grad Party!  It's a party planned by volunteers whose aim is to create fantastic fun for Medfield’s graduating class, while keeping them SAFE away from driving and substances. 

It's an incredible event which relies totally on community volunteers. As the name suggests, it's an all night party at Medfield High School, and we are in need of adults to volunteer to protect exit doors, serve food, play Black Jack and more through the night. We’re in need of adults to help from 12 a.m. June 2nd onwards. (Parents of Seniors are not allowed to volunteer, as hey, who wants to party with their parents watching over them?!) PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY - We CAN'T do this without volunteers. SIGN UP HERE! (scroll down to the after-midnight hours!)

Thank you for your support for this well-loved Medfield tradition. Janie Boylan

Medfield ANGP Co-Chair

Donations welcomed. 

Positive Sign Thursday!

Dale Street Field Day is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th (Rain Day, Wednesday, June 5th). Mrs. Nawrocki and Mrs. Laughna are planning an exciting day of activities for our 4th and 5th graders. Grade 4 will participate in Field Day during the morning (9:00 - 11:15) and Grade 5 will participate in the afternoon (12:00 - 2:15). Field Day will take place on the field between the Dale Street and Memorial Schools. Classes will have the opportunity to rotate through nine stations. Classes will rotate with their classroom. Activities will take place on the field, on the blacktop, and in the gymnasium. 

We have found it to be helpful to

**have students wear comfortable clothes and sneakers on this day 

**apply sunscreen before coming to school.  Please provide more sunscreen for re-application. 

**send children with a hat and extra water on this day. 

Classes will be eating bagged lunches. Students may bring their own bagged lunch or purchase a bagged lunch from the cafeteria. Note: There will be no other lunch options on this day.

SEPAC - Upcoming SEPAC Events & Happenings

5/28 Selfcare for Summer  - Join us for an evening dedicated to self-care and wellness at the Medfield SEPAC & Medfield Outreach Sponsored Self Care for Summer Night! Discover local wellness offerings, gain insights from Medfield Outreach's presentation on self-care, and experience a rejuvenating breathwork session led by trauma-informed breathwork facilitator Hannah Oxley. If you know a local wellness provider who'd like to join us, please email us! 

RSVP for these events by using our RSVP form:

5/29 MHS Senior Recognition Night - SEPAC Board Members will award 4 scholarships. We'll be sharing more information about the recipients after the recognition night. 

6/6 School Committee Meeting, presentation of SEPAC annual review & announce Jim James Inclusion Award Recipients. Join us in the School committee meeting audience (MHS Library) or online!

6/11 End-of-year Celebration for families. End-of-year Celebration for families. Pack a dinner with your family and head up to Bellforge to join us for an evening of socializing and celebrating the end of the school year. There will be lawn games and picnic tables, and plenty of space to spread out on the lawn. SEPAC will provide popsicles.  When: June 11th, starting at 5pm Where: Bellforge. 45 Hospital Rd. Check out this getting to Bellforge guide: Help us plan by RSVPing: 

Our Parent Connection Groups focused on ADHD, ASD, Down Syndrome, Dyslexia, and LBLD are working on their June meeting dates, and information will be shared soon. We are looking at adding the following parent connection groups: Anxiety & Depression, Intellectual and Developmental Disability, and Allergy (we need a coordinator). Please email with questions or to join a group. We are here for you and look forward to connecting with you!

As a reminder, there will be no school on Monday, May 27th as we observe Memorial Day. On behalf of the staff, we would like to thank all of the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom. We honor you and your bravery.

Click here for the link to Community Postings

Follow us on Facebook - K-5 Medfield Elementary Schools

Follow us on Twitter @s_grenham

That’s all for now.  As always, reach out with any questions. Thank you for your partnership.



Inclusivity * Respect * Responsibility * Continuous Growth

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