Amazing first week back at #beproudbedale! Take a look at some of the happenings....
Dale Street had a school-wide assembly this morning highlighting our school's Core Values. Special thanks to the students in Ms. Hayes' class for creating and leading the assembly. They did an outstanding job with their skits! Please check out the students in action highlighting our Core Value of Compassion.
From our custodians:
The Dale Street custodial team would like to thank all of our Dale Street students, families, and staff for the gifts, cards and treats bestowed upon us for Custodian Appreciation Day. It is truly an honor to serve such a great group of people and we truly enjoyed all of it!
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Burke
Mr. Wilson
This week, Dale Street Art teacher, Mrs. Delaney brightened up the cafeteria by displaying drawings that highlight emotion. The student work is incredible!
Special thanks to our incredibly generous PTO. This week the remaining fourth grade classes participated in the Museum of Science Rock Detectives program. What a great hands-on learning opportunity!
The next Principal's Coffee will be held on Friday, March 8th, at 8:45 a.m. in the Dale Street School cafeteria. We will be sharing information on the placement process for the 2019-2020 school year. We will also be providing highlights of the Challenge Success Program. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend. Please note that if you are stuck for child care, please feel free to bring your little ones. We will be providing refreshments for this presentation.
Thanks to Emily in Mrs. Dowd's class for reading today's book recommendation. Emily recommended Drama by Raina Telgemeier for "someone who likes drama." Emily rated this book 5 out of 5 stars! Thanks Emily!
Always great to hear the thoughtful discussions and see what the children are reading during reader's workshop time. Below, Mrs. Scott's fourth grade class was actively involved in their workshop.
Click here for the PTO update with lots of information about upcoming events!
The Grade 4 KNO is on Friday, 3/22, from 7-8:30pm. Click here for permission slip and details.
Fifth Graders - mark your calendars for your last Dale Street Kids' Night Out! Join us on Friday, March 15th at 7 pm for emoji-themed games while a DJ spins tunes and hands out prizes. Cost is $15/student at the door - bring payment and signed permission slip on the 15th. Parents, we need your help to make this event a success. Please consider volunteering to chaperone at https://www.signupgenius. com/go/10c0b44afa728a7fc1- spring1. Thank you!
The PTO Movie on the 1/2 day is Wednesday, 3/13, at 11:45 a.m. in the Dale St cafeteria. Click here for permission slip and details.
Dale Street parent- Details are coming together for the Winter Carnival, and we are excited about that’s in store, but we could still REALLY use your volunteer help! We’d greatly appreciate just one hour of your time. Thank you so much for your continued support of this important event!
Link to sign up page-
Students in Mr. Douglas' fourth grade class spent time this week learning about and creating their own line plots. Our MCPE funded whiteboard tables are the perfect work space!
Parent/teacher conferences are just around the corner. Conferences are a wonderful time to check in with your child's teacher about their academic and social/emotional growth. Conference dates are set for Thursday, March 21st and Tuesday, March 26th. Both days are half days for the students with dismissal at 11:40 a.m.. Please note that Term II report cards will be sent home on Tuesday, March 19th.
Here’s an easy way to say "thanks" to Dale's teachers! Teachers have indicated wished-for classroom supply items on tags hanging from a “tree” in the front hallway. When you’re in the building for conferences, feel free to grab a tag or two from your child’s teacher or any of the specialist teachers to fulfill some of their wishes during the month of March!
Check this, Grade 4 students used the game "Guess Who?" to practice describing people in World Language with Mrs. LeVangie. ¿Quién es quién?
As a reminder, our testing schedule is set for the spring. As always it is most important that students attend school on the days of testing, so please plan appointments in a way that does not interfere with your child being in school on the following testing dates:
- English Language Arts - Next Generation MCAS
- Who: Grade 4 (computer-based)
- April 9th and April 10th
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- April 24th and April 25th
- ELA Make-ups for grades 4 and 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
- Math - Next Generation MCAS
- Who: Grades 4 (computer-based)
- May 1st and May 2nd
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- May 13th and May 14th
- Math Make-ups for grades 4 and 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
- Science, Technology and Engineering
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- May 16th and May 17th
- STE Make-ups for grade 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
On Wednesday, Mr. Mason's fifth grade students used the program CueThink to unpack complicated word problems.
Round 1 of our March Madness Tournament will be held the week of March 4th. Students who signed up to be part of a team need to shoot 10 free throws during one of the following days between 7:50 a.m. - 8:20 a.m. Please note that all team members do not have to come the same day, but all need to shoot the free throws by Friday, 3/8.
Round 1: Monday, 3/4 Wednesday, 3/6 Friday, 3/8
In combination with our free throw shooting contest, students can vote for a favorite picture book. Special thanks to Mrs. Cowell for again creating this fabulous opportunity! This awesome bulletin board is located just outside the main office. If you are in at Dale Street over the next few weeks, check out which books are 'moving on.'
There was a great turnout at today's Guidance Coffee highlighting supporting your young athlete. Special thanks to our guest speakers and all the parents who attended.
How do you sell a poem? Today in Mrs. Lowerre's fifth grade classroom students created a 'sales pitch' to sell a poem using the idea of being a realtor. Some things students highlighted in their poems were theme, rhythm, mood, alliteration, hyperbole, similes, metaphors, and stanzas. What a fun way to capture and review the characteristics of a poem!
Let's Keep in Touch
Have a wonderful weekend!
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