Hope that you had a wonderful week because we sure did! Take a peek at all the different things that students and staff were involved in this week.
On Thursday, Dale Street students traveled into Wheelock Family Theatre to see a production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast. It was an amazing show! What made it even better was Dale Street student, Isabella in Mrs. Crable's class was part of this professional production. She did a phenomenal job!
Today our school celebrated Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' birthday. Thank you to our guest readers: Superintendent, Dr. Marsden, Director of Operations, Michael LaFrancesca, School Committee members Maryanne Sullivan, Jessica Reilly, Anna Mae O'Shae Brooke, HS Principal, Robert Parga, MS Principal, Nat Vaughn, Wheelock Principal, Donna Olson, Memorial Principal, Missy Bilsborough, Officer Manganello, MAP Director Kurt Jackson, Library Assistant, Susan Read, Library Media Specialist, Kerry Cowell, Director of the Medfield Public Library, Ms. Jain, retired Dale Street Reading Specialist, and Athletic Director, Eric Scott. A very special thank you to Dale Street's Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Kerry Cowell and Library Assistant, Mrs. Susan Read for organizing this wonderful day for our school and Colleen Sullivan for documenting this wonderful day.
Check out the PTO update including information about 'Supply Mittens' for teachers, the Winter Carnival on March 10th, the upcoming PTO meeting on March 14th and more!
Attention 5th Graders: Come have some Olympic-sized fun with your classmates at our LAST Kids’ Night Out. Please note that the date has been changed to Friday, March 16th from 7-8:30 PM in Dale’s cafeteria. A permission slip with all of the details is posted under Thursday Packet. If you would like to chaperone, please visit: http://www.signupgenius .com/go/8050d49aaad23a75-kids
Permission Slip
On Tuesday, an employee from Google visited Dale Street to share a new program they are looking to release. All students in Grades 4 and 5 were able to utilize Google Augmented Reality! As one student said, "This is so cool!"
Check out the PTO update including information about 'Supply Mittens' for teachers, the Winter Carnival on March 10th, the upcoming PTO meeting on March 14th and more!
Attention 5th Graders: Come have some Olympic-sized fun with your classmates at our LAST Kids’ Night Out. Please note that the date has been changed to Friday, March 16th from 7-8:30 PM in Dale’s cafeteria. A permission slip with all of the details is posted under Thursday Packet. If you would like to chaperone, please visit: http://www.signupgenius
Permission Slip
On Tuesday, an employee from Google visited Dale Street to share a new program they are looking to release. All students in Grades 4 and 5 were able to utilize Google Augmented Reality! As one student said, "This is so cool!"
Next Thursday, March 8th, I will be hosting our second term Principal's Coffee. During this time, we will talk about the process we will use for placing students in classrooms for 2018-2019 school year and students from the SWAT team will be showcasing Google Classroom and Seesaw highlighting how parents can access student assignments. The coffee will begin at 8:45 a.m. in the Library Media Center. Click here to RSVP. Please note that if you are stuck for child care, please feel free to bring your little ones. I hope that you will be able to stop in after you drop off your child(ren) on this day. We will be providing refreshments for this presentation.
PTO Box Top Contest Update
Thank you to all the students and their families for participating in Dale Street's Box Top competition. I am thrilled to announce that Dale Street collected more than 7,000 box tops! Incredible! Ms. Sager's fifth grade classroom was the winning classroom having collected 937 box tops. Congratulations to them and thank you all for participating!
The winning class!
The winning class!
Parent/teacher conferences are just around the corner. Conferences are a wonderful time to check in with your child's teacher about their academic and social/emotional growth. Conference dates are set for Thursday, March 15th and Tuesday, March 20th. Both days are half days for the students with dismissal at 11:40 a.m.. Please note that Term II report cards will be sent home on Monday, March 23rd.
Date changes
New this year (Spring 2018) the Department of Education has decided to administer 2 ELA sessions rather than 3 sessions. Therefore, we have eliminated a day of ELA testing in Grade 4 and Grade 5. No dates were added or moved. We only eliminated one day of ELA testing at each grade level. Please see the revised dates below.
New this year (Spring 2018) the Department of Education has decided to administer 2 ELA sessions rather than 3 sessions. Therefore, we have eliminated a day of ELA testing in Grade 4 and Grade 5. No dates were added or moved. We only eliminated one day of ELA testing at each grade level. Please see the revised dates below.
As a reminder, our testing schedule is set for the spring. As always it is most important that students attend school on the days of testing, so please plan appointments in a way that does not interfere with your child being in school on the following testing dates:
- English Language Arts - Next Generation MCAS
- Who: Grades 4 (computer-based)
- April 11th and April 12th
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- April 25th and April 26th
- ELA Make-ups for grades 4 and 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
- Math - Next Generation MCAS
- Who: Grades 4 (computer-based)
- May 9th and May 10th
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- May 14th and May 15th
- Math Make-ups for grades 4 and 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
- Science, Technology and Engineering
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- May 17th and May 18th
- STE Make-ups for grade 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
Q: Why do we have a next-generation MCAS?
A: The new test is designed to have coherent, consistent high standards from one grade to the next and give a clear indication of students' readiness for the next grade level and college and career. The tests focus on students' critical thinking abilities, application of knowledge, and ability to make connections between reading and writing. Under the legacy MCAS, many students would pass MCAS only to arrive at college and find they needed remedial courses. The next-generation MCAS is designed to indicate where students are academically while there is still time to get them back on track.
Q: Should I be worried about my child's score?
A: If a student scored in the "Not Meeting Expectations" category, parents should speak with their child's teacher or teachers about what needs to happen to bring the student up to speed in that subject. It can be hard to hear that a student is not where he or she hoped to be in their academic work, but the first step to mapping out the right supports is having an objective indication of where the student is now. Similarly, educators and parents of students who scored in the "Partially Meeting Expectations" range should consider whether their students need additional academic help. In all cases, families should remember that the MCAS is only one indicator of student achievement and that students in grades 3-8 do not face any negative consequences as the result of their scores.
Q: How should I use the MCAS results?
A: Parents can speak with their child's teacher if they have any concerns. Educators, using all of the interpretive materials available, including released items and item descriptions, can identify areas where students may need additional support or where a school's curriculum might not be aligned to the state learning standards.
Another MCAS resource is the Parents' Guide to the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment (MCAS).
Dale Street's 1st Annual March Madness Free Throw Shooting Contest begins Monday, March 12th. If your student signed up to be on a team, please plan on bringing your child in on Monday, 3/12, Tuesday, 3/13, or Wednesday, 3/14, between 7:50-8:20am so he/she can shoot the 10 free throws for Round 1. All team members do not need to be present to shoot free throws. Anyone wearing Medfield apparel will get 1 bonus shot per article of clothing (max 2 items). The teams with the most free throws (out of 30) will move on to the next round. Shooting times for Round 2 will be announced soon.
In Mrs. LeVangie's fifth grade World Language class this week, students used Book Creator to put their finishing touches on their fictional family stories! ¡buen trabajo!
Dale Street's Tournament of Books has entered the second round. It is amazing to hear the great conversations that students and staff are having about these wonderful reading selections! Ask your child(ren) if they have voted in either round 1 or round 2.
PTO Snowman Supply Tree
What: Families can pick a mitten off the door/board to donate a needed supply for Dale Street staff members
When: February 26th - March 23rd
Where: Mittens will be hung on doors of classroom teachers. Specialists and Special Education teachers will have a spot in the main foyer where their mittens will be hung.
The Dale Street Talent Show will be held on Friday, March 9th, in the Dale Street Gym at 6:30pm. Tickets are $5 (cash or check made out to Medfield Field Hockey). Performers do not need a ticket. Tickets will be sold during school lunches and will also be available at the door the night of the performance.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Respect • Compassion • Collaboration • Continuous Growth
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