We had a fabulous week here at Dale Street. I want to send out a special thanks to our fantastic custodians, DPW, and Police & Fire Departments for helping get students and staff safely back into school on Wednesday. There was a lot of snow and we very much appreciate your tireless efforts.
On behalf of the students and staff at Dale Street School, I would like to thank the PTO, the many volunteers, and all the families who supported this year's Winter Carnival. Dale Street was so excited to be included in this year's carnival and is extremely grateful for everyone's support!
Thank you to all the families who were able to join us for our Term II Positive Referral breakfast this morning. The Food Service department provided water, juice, and a variety of delicious treats for everyone to enjoy. Thank you to them for all of their support. Lastly, a huge thank you to all of the students who continue to demonstrate outstanding character here at Dale Street. We are so proud of you for making such great choices each and every day!
Our School Nurse, Mrs.Thompson, will be checking heights and weights on 4th grade students next week during their PE classes. The screening, which will be done individually in a confidential space, is required by the MA Department of Public Health. Please contact Mrs. Thompson at 508-242-8573 or kthompson@email.medfield.net with any questions, or if you would like your child excused from the screening.
In Ms. Bertschmann's fifth grade classroom this week, students used our hands-on FOSS science kits to explore the concepts of conduction, convection, and radiation.
Bravo to all of the fifth grade students who participated in last Friday's Talent Show. Each act was truly fantastic! Special thanks to all of the students and families who came to the show. We greatly appreciate your support. Thank you to Talent Show director, Mr. Mason for all of his dedication to the show and Ms. Sager, who served as Stage Manager!
It was a pleasure to meet with parents during Term II's Principal's Coffee this morning. The topic of discussion was the process we will use for placing students in classrooms for 2018-2019 school year and students from the SWAT team showcased Google Classroom and Seesaw highlighting how parents can access student assignments. Thank you to all who were able to attend, Mrs. Cowell, and to the food service staff who provided coffee and snacks. If you were unable to attend, the PowerPoint can be viewed here. The next Principal's Coffee will be held on May 24th. I hope to see you there.
As a reminder, our testing schedule is set for the spring. As always it is most important that students attend school on the days of testing, so please plan appointments in a way that does not interfere with your child being in school on the following testing dates:
- English Language Arts - Next Generation MCAS
- Who: Grades 4 (computer-based)
- April 11th and April 12th
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- April 25th and April 26th
- ELA Make-ups for grades 4 and 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
- Math - Next Generation MCAS
- Who: Grades 4 (computer-based)
- May 9th and May 10th
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- May 14th and May 15th
- Math Make-ups for grades 4 and 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
- Science, Technology and Engineering
- Who: Grade 5 (computer-based)
- May 17th and May 18th
- STE Make-ups for grade 5 will take place on a rolling basis as needed
What: Families can pick a mitten off the door/board to donate a needed supply for Dale Street staff members
When: February 26th - March 23rd
Where: Mittens will be hung on doors of classroom teachers. Specialists and Special Education teachers will have a spot in the main foyer where their mittens will be hung.
Check out the PTO update with details about these upcoming events and more!
UPCOMING PTO EVENTS: Snowman Supply Fundraiser (Right Now!), 5th Grade KNO (3/16), 4th Grade KNO (3/23), Movie (Coco) on the ½ Day (3/20), Yearbook baby photos need to be uploaded by March 31st and personal pages done by May 1st!
Check out this letter Dale Street received from BoxTops4Education.....
Ms. Isaacson's students love our MCPE funded white board tables. These tables make math workshop so much fun!
Ever thought about joining the MCPE board? Now's the time!
If you are interested in possibly becoming a member of the MCPE Board, we would love to hear from you. We're looking for candidates who can commit to a 3 year term, attend Board meetings once a month during the school year and have an active interest in enriching our kids' education in the Medfield Public Schools.
We are especially looking for dedicated individuals who may have experience in publicity (print, social media and otherwise), website maintenance/design, graphics, fundraising events and corporate sponsorship. We try to have board members with children across the five schools and could use more representation from Blake and MHS. Visit our website for more details and to submit your interest. Thanks!
Mrs. Scott's fourth grade students used time this week experimenting how waves are involved in energy transfer. So cool!
In Mrs. Lowerre's fifth grade class today, students participated in a blended learning lesson highlighting similes and metaphors. Students had a blast listening to music and 'digging into poetry.'
I use the Remind App to share school news. The Remind App sends out a text to all who have signed up for the service. Text 508-640-7746 and in the body of the text message type @dalestr You will get a response asking you to confirm your identity - reply with your first and last name. This is a secure and confidential way for me to send you a text message. I do not see your cell number and you do not see mine. If you would like to learn more about the Remind App, you can go to www.remind.com. I encourage you to sign up for the Remind App, and welcome any and all feedback.
Parent/teacher conferences continue next week. On Tuesday, March 20th, we will have an early dismissal (11:40 AM) for our students. We look forward to seeing you.
Parent/teacher conferences continue next week. On Tuesday, March 20th, we will have an early dismissal (11:40 AM) for our students. We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you for checking in this week. Enjoy the weekend!
Respect • Compassion • Collaboration • Continuous Growth
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