Friday, September 27, 2019

September 27, 2019 - Week 5

Greetings Dale Street Families! 

Our week started with a fabulous visit from Dusti Bowling, author of our all-school read, The Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus.  Mrs. Bowling shared a message of laughter and inspiration with all of our students and staff.  Special thanks to Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Cowell for orchestrating this visit and our amazing PTO for purchasing a The Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus book for each classroom!  

Ms. DiPesa's grade 4 students got the chance to explore different genres this week when they participated in a "Book Tasting."  The students loved getting the chance to see all the different selections and they loved the restaurant atmosphere too!  

You may notice some other teachers in the photos above.  These teachers were visiting Ms. DiPesa's classroom as part of our "pineapple" program.  This is a program where a teacher posts a creative lesson they are teaching and other staff members are welcome to come in and watch to get some ideas for themselves.  #collaboration #continuousgrowth

We are very excited to announce that all 4th and 5th grade students will have the opportunity to complete biweekly math challenges. This program will begin on September 27th.  Math challenges will be available to print at home from the website linked below.

Students will be free to solve as many problems as they can and will have about a week to turn in their work. We hope that all students and families find these problems to be a challenging and fun activity.

More information, including a calendar of important dates and a link to download and print the challenges and solutions, is available at Questions regarding the math challenge program can be directed to Dale Street math specialist, Ms. Perachi.

 First Challenge begins today and is due by 10/11.

Thank you to Parker for this week's book review.  Parker recommended Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake.  This book inspired Parker 'to be grateful for what I have.'  Thanks, Parker!

Congratulations to our Positive Referral this week!

The students at Dale Street switched their schedules this week.  Grade 5 students were visited by Guidance Counselor, Ms. Warner to learn more about Diversity and Inclusion.  Grade 4 students visited Mrs. Lowerre in Dale Street's Makerspace to create and start to understand design thinking.  It is so awesome that we have a school/district that supports the whole child!   

Grade 5 Sanford Harmony Family Letter

Activities Letter 

Thank you to our lunch DJ's today.  There was a lot of singing along with all the great songs!

Dale Street School Intramural Registration is now open.  Please register by the end of the day today.  If you have any questions about the Intramural Program, please contact our Intramural Director, Mrs. Kim Frazier (

The online registration form can be found here and also on the Dale Street website under Activities->Intramurals.

Intramural Offerings

Congratulations to the students who were selected to serve on this year's Student Advisory Council as well as our Student Advisory Council alternates.  Thank you to all the boys and girls who submitted a letter of interest.  Although some students may not have been selected to serve on this year's council, we hope they will be active leaders bringing about creative ideas in their classrooms.

This week, students in Ms. Isaacson's fourth grade class used the C.U.B.E.S. strategy to break down word problems and make them more manageable to understand and solve.  Looking good, everyone!  

Next Friday, October 4th Dale Street will host a spirit day.  All students and staff are encouraged come to school with fancy hair and/or a funny hat.  We look at this as another way to promote positive school culture and creativity.  As a reminder, participation on spirit days is entirely optional.  

Special thanks to all of the Dale Street parents who have volunteered to be room parents this year.  The annual Room Parent Tea took place on Wednesday and we are lucky to have such dedicated parents! 

Click here for the PTO update which includes important information about volunteer opportunities, classroom directories and fundraising opportunities.  The next PTO meeting is scheduled for November 5th, 9:00 am at Dale Street School. 

Medfield K-8 Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Dues
Suggested contribution of $30 per child checks made payable to Medfield K-8 PTO
You can now pay your dues online through PayPal.  Go to our website to pay by PayPal
Please send in your check to your child's teacher
Or send to:
Medfield K-8 PTO
P.O. Box 387
Medfield, MA 02052

Dues are dispersed evenly to all four schools based on number of students per school. Therefore, you may send in one payment even if you have multiple children at different schools. Contributions of any amount are accepted and are tax-deductible.

Please consider asking your employer if they will match your contribution.
Dues make it possible for the PTO to operate and cover academic enrichment, classroom parties, field days,teacher appreciation activities and other school/class celebrations throughout the school year. 

For more information visit

Students in Ms. Condon's fifth grade class ventured outside on this beautiful  afternoon to observe the science around all of us.  Today's topic....the sun and its energy.  Students used this solar bag to conduct observations.  

Vision screening will take place on Monday, October 7th, and Friday, October 11th.  If your child wears glasses, please make sure the glasses are brought to school on those days.  Thank you! 

Please be aware that picture retakes will take place on Tuesday, October 22nd.  Students who would like a retake need to return their entire packet minus the class photo on the day of the retake.  The Grade 5 class pictures for the yearbook will also be taken on this day. 

There is no school on Monday, September 30th in observance of Rosh Hashanah. 

Enjoy your long weekend and we look forward to seeing the kids back on Tuesday!



Respect • Compassion • Collaboration • Continuous Growth 

Friday, September 20, 2019

September 20, 2019 - Week 4

Hello Dale Street,

We hope that you had an awesome week because we sure did at #beproudbedale!  Please take a few minutes to scroll through this week's blog as it contains important family information and highlights our week.  

We are thrilled to announce our new app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with news from each school, the daily cafeteria menu, and even emergency notifications.

Click here for the short informational video.

You can download the free app on both Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Download for Android:
Download for iPhone:

As an FYI, we will be using a new link Community Notices to showcase different events at Dale Street and throughout the district.  This link is located on the Medfield Public Schools webpage in the 'Explore' section.   

As I tweeted out last night, PIN was an awesome evening that highlighted the importance of the family and school partnership. We are so lucky to have had such great attendance at PIN.  Thank you to all who came out to learn about your child's classroom.

I hope that you enjoyed the new PIN format.  Although I did not address families formally, I would like to ask you to keep these things in mind as the year moves along.  

  • I ask parents to check in with the classroom teacher first if there is a suspected problem.  Many times these suspected problems can be resolved quickly once there is clarification provided by the classroom teacher.
  • I strongly believe in the importance of social and emotional wellness among our students and staff members. I have encouraged all staff to "go dark" and stay off technology (i.e. emails) after 6:00 p.m.  Staff members work so very hard all day and providing them time to spend with family, pets, and/or hobbies/interests will help them decompress and de-stress.  Providing staff an opportunity to de-stress will undoubtedly ensure students have more fresh and well-adjusted staff members each day.

In case you were unable to attend PIN last night, here is some information from our specialists.
Maker Space Dale Street
World Language

Thank you to the families in Mrs. Ross' and Mrs. Seaver's class who created "words of affirmation' rocks for their children.  They LOVED them! 

Sanford Harmony

This week Dale Street Guidance Counselor, Ms. Warner started our new social emotional learning program, Sanford Harmony.  Ms. Warner worked with our fourth grade classrooms  and will be working with our Grade 5 classrooms next week.  She will continue this cycle visiting classrooms every other week throughout the school year.  Please take a look at the two links below.  They are a parent letter detailing Unit 1 (Diversity and Inclusion) for Grade 4 and a home activities letter which explains how to reinforce these lessons at home.  

Ms. Isaacson's fourth grade students participated in math workshop this week.  Students thoroughly enjoyed the small group, collaborative and independent structured time.

Dale Street's Makerspace

This week Dale Street Innovationist, Mrs. Lowerre started working working with classes in our Makerspace. Mrs. Lowerre worked with our Grade 5 students and will be working with our fourth grade classrooms next week (alternating schedule with Ms. Warner).  She will also continue this cycle throughout the school year.  The Makerspace will be another spot at Dale Street where students will have the opportunity to imagine, explore, create, invent, code, build, film and more! 

Congratulations to this week's Positive Referrals!  Way to go!

This student was extremely compassionate.  

This student embodied the Core Value of respect! 

This student has been an amazing role model for all! 

This student was incredibly creative and helpful!  

This student showed great compassion

On Monday, Dale Street will get a visit from Dusti Bowling, author of our whole-school read The Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus.  What a great opportunity to have Dusti visit our school!  Special thanks to Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Cowell for orchestrating this visit.   

We are very excited to announce that all 4th and 5th grade students will have the opportunity to complete biweekly math challenges. This program will begin on September 27th.  Math challenges will be available to print at home from the website linked below.

Students will be free to solve as many problems as they can and will have about a week to turn in their work. We hope that all students and families find these problems to be a challenging and fun activity.

More information, including a calendar of important dates and a link to download and print the challenges and solutions, is available at Questions regarding the math challenge program can be directed to Dale Street math specialist, Ms. Perachi.

 First Challenge begins 9/27 and is due on 10/11

We hope you are enjoying the convenience of the new School Dismissal Manager and find it easy to use.  Please remember to update the system with any changes to your child's dismissal plans.  Keep in mind that the information included in the 'Notes' field will be displayed on the reports at the end of the day.  As these reports are distributed to the classrooms, please do not put personal information in the notes field but keep the description generic such as 'Dr appt.'  

The dismissal system can also be used to report absences if you prefer to use this method over the absence line (508-242-8502).  Whichever way you prefer, remember to let the school know if your child will be absent from school.

Ms. Ross' and Ms. Seaver's fourth grade students used a 'cost effective' way (aka Green Screen) to travel to North American landmarks.  What a cool way to study social studies!  

 The company Leftfield was secured to be the project's Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) in the late spring. Since then, employees from Leftfield have worked with members of the Dale Street project team to develop the Request For Services (RFS) to solicit interested design firms. 

A walk through was held at the existing Dale Street School and last week we received qualifications packages from 8 firms. Leftfield has begun reviewing them in preparation for what is called the Designer Selection Panel (DSP).  The DSP is made up of 13 members representing the MSBA and constituent groups and 3 members representing the Town of Medfield. The MSBA is prescriptive in the 3 Town representatives. (1) member is appointed by the School Committee (Mr. Leo Brehm represents the SC), (1) the Superintendent of Schools (Dr. Marsden) and (1) member is appointed by the “chief executive” in our case the Board of Selectmen.  As is customary, the Board of Selectmen appointed the chair of the SBC (Mr. Michael Quinlan) to represent them. 

On October 15th, the DSP will meet to evaluate and shortlist the 8 design firms to a smaller number and interviews will occur two weeks later. 

Who says homework can't be fun?  Mr. Douglas' fourth grade students received a blank piece of paper and had to use their imaginations and creativity for homework this week.  Very cool!   
Like us on Facebook: Medfield K-8 PTO, follow us on Twitter @MedfieldK8PTO and for
more information and calendar of events, please check out our website and email with any questions.
As always, thank you for reading.  Have a great weekend!



Respect • Compassion • Collaboration • Continuous Growth