Last Friday our 4th graders had a fantastic time at the Kids' Night Out! The night was filled with awesome games and great music. Special thanks to Michelle Barrette and all the parent volunteers who helped make this night a great success. Take a look....
Positive Referral!!!
These students received Positive Referrals this week for excellent behavior, extraordinary collaboration, and being empathetic. Great work!
Thank you to Mr. Mason's fifth grade class for holding the 2016 Presidential Election at Dale Street on Tuesday. Your organization and efforts were greatly appreciated!
In November, the Dale Street School will celebrate Global Giving. Global Giving is one way our school connects to the world around us. The Dale Street community will raise money for a community in Zimbabwe. Students and families will have multiple opportunities to donate throughout the month to this worthwhile cause. In support of this Global Awareness, the Student Advisory Council is promoting a school-wide pajama day Spirit Day. Pajama day will take place on Friday, November 18th. Students and staff are encouraged to wear their most comfortable pajamas on this day. Students may also bring in their favorite (preferably small) stuffed animal. We hope everyone will participate in this fun day; however, participation is optional.
Click here for the PTO update, including information on Grade 5 Kids' Night Out, Box Top Competition and PTO fundraisers.
Mrs. Crable's fourth grade class participated in a 'Candy Corn Tower Challenge' on Wednesday. Students worked collaboratively to build the tallest free-standing structure they could within 15 minutes only using 100 toothpicks and 1 cup of candy corns. It was great to see and hear the wonderful ideas and teamwork of these talented students.
Please be reminded that there are no vehicles permitted in the bus circle during arrival and dismissal times. These times include 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. and 2:40 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
On a visit to Mrs. Scott's fourth grade class today, students participated in math workshop. Students rotated through centers which included iPad math, a math factor game, a math fluency center, and a teacher table. Students had fun moving around learning about multiplication and factors.
Certainly this election season has has evoked great passion among many Americans. This election also provides a learning opportunity for our students. There is an opportunity for adults to model how to win or lose gracefully and respectfully. I came across this article from Allison Slater Tate who is a correspondent to the Today Show. While we do not plan to discuss the election results with your children, if you choose to discuss the election with your own child, and are in need of some talking points for the conversation, this article may be helpful.
Ms. Bertschmann's fifth grade class completed a project based learning Veterans Day activity this week. Check them out...they are terrific!
Thank you to all of our veterans! |
Thank you for checking out the blog and best wishes for a wonderful long weekend!
Take care,
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